Thursday, October 17, 2013

Mary Chestnut--diary

In her diary, Mary Chestnut makes reference to Shakespeare's MACBETH by saying, " Sound and fury, signifying nothing."  At this point, Mrs. Chestnut is contemplating the significance of life and death after a tragic event.

For a 5 point bonus, think about this quote and its significance.  In a few solid sentences, respond as to why people have a hard time finding value in life after difficult events, such as disease, death and war.  Think about events you have experienced or watched.

Read others' responses as the come, too.  Write back to each other.  Create a running dialogue!

Due Wednesday, October 23rd.


  1. They might be to tired, physically and mentally, to care or want to move on anymore. Their feelings get the best of them.

  2. When people are in a difficult time, they don't often think about the good in their life. They focus on the negative times, the negative people, and all the bad things going on but don't often take time to focus on what is going right.

  3. When people are taking part in a "harsh" time such as death, disease, or war, the negative events and feelings affect said people. These events and feelings cause provoking thoughts about intricate subjects such as the meaning of life and death. It is just as difficult to deal with these thoughts as it is to go through these events and feelings.

  4. When you hear about death, disease, or war all you can think about are the negative affects that take toll. It seems like all you hear about are negative things happening. You rarely hear about anything positive and it's difficult to think that there could even be a positive outcome. Like when a plane crashes it's all over the news, but you never hear about the tons of planes that safely make it to their destination every day.

  5. When people are having a difficult time trying to cope with the negativity throughout their life, they often focus on ONLY upsetting topics. People, including me, usually have a hard time trying to make the best of their life situation sometimes. Realizing how fortunate they are and dealing with how to move on with their life is something that takes time. "Nothing good in life will come easy." -Unknown

  6. When something bad happens in someone's life they start to feel sorry for themselves and they feel like no one is there to help them in their time of need. When in reality they have more people on their side than they think. These people just need to take the time to look around them and realize what they have and to be grateful for the lives they live.

  7. People have a hard time finding value in life after difficult events, such as disease, death and war because all we hear of is the negative that comes out of these events. People let it get to them and it brings them down and they loose any motivation to do anything. So, they become depressed, negative and have nothing to look forward to or be happy about.

  8. When something bad happens such as death, disease, or war all people can think about is the negative affect. When a loved one dies a person may think that they can never be happy again because that person was his or her life. These people only look at the down side to things and not into the future. Life goes on, things get better.

  9. Often times, after a difficult event a person feels hopeless because they feel like no amount of good in their life can replace the bad they have experienced. This person only wants to try and think about this event, hoping if he thinks about it enough or differently, maybe it'll go away and seem like it never happened. After this, when it doesn't go away, sadness overwhelms him because the disaster can't be reversed so he tends to ignore all the good, due to all the pain he has felt.

  10. When something traumatic happens in a person's life, he or she usually can't take their own mind off of it. It usually takes a happy scenario to bring a person out of their dark state. If everyone can try to move on from something bad in their lives, they will eventually be given a very good thing to balance it out.

  11. When bad times are in your life, people seem to find it difficult to make the best of a bad situation. When this happens, people never seem to stop thinking about these things and look at the positives, because more than likely, it could have been a lot worse.

  12. When bad things happen to people, they tend to only think about the negatives and not the positives. But bad things can always get worse. If one can think about the positives, it will make the bad go away faster. Everything will eventually will get better.

  13. Moving on after a tragic event is difficult for many people because they don't want to believe that someone they love and care about is gone or that something tragic has occured. It changes they way that people view their lives and they begin to get down on themselves. It is difficult to accept change and realize that things will never be the same. Tragedies may seem completely bad, but they may change someones outlook on life. Focusing on the positives can help to make change easier.

  14. This quote is saying that for all the noise and death nothing is shown in the end of it. Mary is in a dark point in her life. ONce a person is in an emotional slump it is difficult for he or she to come out of it. If your upset it take time and a dose of happiness to get you out of it.

  15. After some people go through tragic events in their lives they feel lost and without a purpose. Many people only see the bad things in life when there are so many positives. Mary felt she was experiencing a rough time and saw nothing good coming out of this battle.

  16. When someone goes through something tough or everything is going wrong people tend to give up. They think its not worth it. Mary saw destruction and nothing good. In a way it is simular

  17. When people go through a hard time in their lives, it's like they go blind from all that is good in the world. All that they think about it is the bad things. When we get over the bad things in life, we still remember them, but it's important that we get over the tough times.

  18. In hard times people just look past all the little things that are worth living for. The brain just naturally focuses on the bad things, because bad things are acknowledged more. You don't hear people saying how happy you look, but you almost always hear people say how sad you look, or how angry you look. It's very hard to focus on the good things in life in hard times, thus people don't see the point on living.
