Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Board Scrabble Continues

Pre AP English 10 continues with the Scrabble Challenge.  The goal was to place 40 vocabulary terms on the board (Scrabble format) in 10 minutes.  The students came really close; they missed only 5.  Great review, everyone!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Giving a Speech

Giving a speech is a difficult task for many people!  Let's try to lighten the mood for this portion our our project.  Respond to this blog with a funny joke (school appropriate) or a funny story in relation to giving a speech...or offer a solid technique that can help people eliminate their fears and concerns.

Remember:  This speech is an assignment for everyone.  I have faith in all of you!  Best of luck!  I am truly looking forward to our debates!

Blog Response:  5 bonus points