Tuesday, April 2, 2013

National Poetry Appreciation Month

Poetry seems to be black and white in terms of appreciation.  People either love it or hate it.  VERY few fall in between.  Does poetry always have to rhyme?  Does it always have to be so serious?  Can poetry be fun?  
How can poetry fit within our BUSY and technological world today?  Give your thoughts on poetry.  Do you have a favorite poet or poem to share?  

Take the time this month to look online for new poetry ideas/projects.  Look at contemporary poets.  Look at the classics, like Emily Dickinson.  You never know what you may find; you may just find that the "two ambitious men" don't have to hate one another after all is said and done.

Happy National Poetry Appreciation Month!


  1. Poetry does not have to rhyme.
    It does not have to be serious.
    Poetry can be fun, if you make it.
    Poetry can fit in because music is poetry.
    Poetry is a unique kind of writing that can be fun, serious, happy, sad, etc. It is usually a good read.
    "Where the sidewalk ends" is my favorite poem.

  2. I hate reading poetry, but I do like music. In a way, I guess I am in between about it. I don't think it has to be happy or sad. It can be whatever you want it to be. Just because I don't exactly enjoy doesn't meet that it isn't a great way to express yourself.

  3. Poetry doesn't have to rhyme it can be fun, funny, crazy, or just totally whatever the writer wants. Some poetry I like some I hate. It just depends.

  4. Poetry does not always have to rhyme.
    Poetry doesn't always have to be serious.
    Poetry can always be fun if you use the right words.
    Poetry is a way to entertain us, like songs or riddles.
    My favorite poem is
    Ode to the Redneck Man
    by: Christy Tillery French

  5. Poetry doesn't always have to rhyme. It doesn't have to be serious either. Poetry can be fun. It can be all emotions. People write poetry about all the issues we have today and how they feel about it. I don't have a favorite poem.

  6. Poetry doesn't have to rhyme. Poetry doesn't have guidelines on how to write. Poetry should be something that comes from the heart and can express one's feelings through a few simple lines. My favorite poem is Dreams by Langston Hughes

  7. Poetry doesn't have to rhyme nor be serious. Poetry is all about what the author wants it to be. Poetry can be fun, happy, sand, or sentimental among a lot of other things. Poetry can fit in with technology in many ways such as being able to read poetry on your device

  8. Poetry doesn't have to rhyme, it doesn't have to be serious, and it doesn't have to be no fun. Lots of poetry is fun; it's whatever the author wants it to be. I like most poetry as long as it's entertaining or has a good message. I don't really enjoy serious pieces of poetry. My favorite poem is one that my Grandma has hanging in her bathroom called "The Hollyhock Fairy" by M.D. Cole written in 1892.

  9. Poetry doesn't have to rhyme, it doesn't have to be serious, and it doesn't always have to be fun. Many poems fall under these categories but there are many other genres of poems. my favorite poem is
    Over The Misty Mountains Cold By J.R.R. Tolkien

  10. Poetry doesn't have to rhyme. Poetry also doesn't have to be serious and it can be fun. Poetry can fit within our technological world today by sharing poetry as "statuses" on social networks or sending inspirational poems to people the poems describe. I don't have a favorite poem.

    1. Lindsey, it is interesting how our technology can and has affected poetry. Can you imagine one day we would be sharing poetry via Facebook or Twitter?

  11. Some poetry is good and some is just terribly boring and annoying. It doesn't have to rhyme but I think it is a lot betterif it does. My favorite poetry writer is definitley Dr.Suess because he is cool. My favorite poem is:
    “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”

  12. Poems don't always have to rhyme and I sometimes understand it more if it doesn't. It doesn't have to be serious. Poets should always try to make it fun unless on a serious subject. In our busy world today we can write on how we have no time. My favorite poet is Dr. Seuss because I liked reading his books while growing up and don't have a favorite poem just like Dr. Seuss's books

  13. Poetry can be lots of fun. It can also be away to express oneself or maybe to relieve stress. Poems don't have to rhyme they can really be whatever they want to be. Today in technology one sometimes sees quotes or poems as statuses or tweets. I wouldn't say I have a favorite poem, however I really like
    “This is Just to Say,” William Carlos Williams. I have eaten

    the plums
    that were in
    the icebox

    and which
    you were probably
    for breakfast

    Forgive me
    they were delicious
    so sweet
    and so cold

    It is very simple. But does it have a deeper meaning?

  14. Poery does not have to rhyme. It does not always have to be serious, it can be very happy, and FUN. Poetry first with our lives today because a lot of us listen to music, and music is poetry. I like poetry becaue it is relaxing to read once in a while and I like to listen to music, which is poetry! When I was younger I read Shel Silverstein's petry books.
