Thursday, November 7, 2013

James Thurber

“I think that maybe if women and children were in charge we would get somewhere.” 
― James Thurber

The author and cartoonist James Thurber was the focus of Friday's vocabulary quiz story.  Using the vocabulary terms and the context clues, you learned a little bit of biographical information about him.  Some of you may remember his short story, "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty", which is coming out on film shortly.

If interested in a blog bonus, find a quote or a cartoon by James Thurber and apply it to a personal life situation.  Explain the quote or the cartoon and identify how it connects to you personally.

10 points
due Wednesday, November 13th.


  1. James Thurber has and illustration that says, "he instantly abanndoned all grammatical analysis and begins to swish under the bed" I can relate to this because sometimes I drop everything I'm doing and do something else that isn't as important at the moment.

  2. "You might as well fall on your face than to lean too far over backward" I can relate because sometimes no matter how much you bend over backwards for someone it is taken for granted and not appreciated.

  3. "Sixty minutes of thinking of any kind is bound to lead to confusion and unhappiness." This relates to me because after long classes and days, I sometimes lose interest and my mood just becomes unhappy.

  4. "Sixty minutes of thinking of any kind is bound to lead to confusion and unhappiness." This relates to me being in block classes, even though they're longer, because by the end of the block I've learned as much as i possibly can, and I'm confused and unhappy by the time testing comes around.

  5. "There are two kinds of light - the glow that illuminates, and the glare that obscures."
    There are people who are known for good things and then there are also people who are known but they are known for bad things.

  6. “She wasn't much to look at but she was something to think about.” This is a big statement in today's society because people, girls especially, are too often judged on their looks and not their personalities.

  7. “I do not have a psychiatrist and I do not want one, for the simple reason that if he listened to me long enough, he might become disturbed.” I can relate because I've been told I have weird interests that others find disturbing.

  8. ¨Sixty minutes of thinking of any kind is bound to lead to confusion and unhappiness." I can relate to this because when I sit and think it makes me pick apart anything and everything and realize that I am unhappy with certain things.

  9. ¨He who hesitates is sometimes saved.¨ I can relate to this because life is full of decision, and it's up to me to decide what is right and what is wrong. When I stop and hesitate about what I should do, I think about the full aspect of the matter and will make the right choice.

  10. "Let us look not back in anger, nor forward in fear, but around us in awareness." I think this quote is trying to explain that you aren't suppose to live your life with regrets of your past. Thinking about the future usually is associated with fear so don't overthink your future. Yes your future is important, but live in present day. Take everyday day by day, and value what you have. This relates to me because I try to have no regrets, live for the day, yet I look into the future open mindedly.

  11. "All human beings should try to learn before they die what they are running from, and to, and why." James Thurber once said. Thurber is asking you to think about why you are scared and what running is going to do, where you plan on ending up and why. This quote relates to me because I run from my problems instead of confronting them. If I stop and think what I actually am running from, why I am running and what do I plan to accomplish from running.

  12. "Sixty minutes of thinking of any kind is bound to lead to confusion and unhappiness." Thurber is saying that if you spend more than sixty minutes thinking about a certain subject, you will over think that subject and will second guess yourself. I always over think things and end up regretting a certain decision that I made.

  13. "Sixty minutes of thinking of any kind is bound to lead to confusion and unhappiness." If I think on a topic to long I tend to over think and worry about all the things that could go wrong instead of solving my problem. I even think of things that have a slim to non chance of happening and in the end it just confuses me.

  14. "Laughter need not be cut out of anything, since it improves everything." I can relate to this because sometimes if you just laugh at yourself, it can improve so much. People tend to take life far too seriously, so sometimes we should just laugh at ourselves and forget about life for a minute.

  15. James Thurber's quote "Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility" is one quote I can relate to in my life. I can relate to it because often times in life, I experience times where things are hard and at the time, I feel like I'll never get over what has happened. Then in a couple days I am able to make a joke of the situation because I know it's not as bad as I thought, and joking about it helps me feel better about it.
