Thursday, September 26, 2013

What Makes a Person Free

As we study the Civil War and its effects on literature, we need to take a moment to appreciate Frederick Douglass and his writing MY BONDAGE AND MY FREEDOM.

After reading our excerpt from Douglass, reflect on this Mahatma Gandhi statement.

Mahatma Gandhi wrote, "The moment the slave resolves that he will no longer be a slave, his fetters fall."

React to this statement and explain whether or not you feel Douglass was free even while in bondage.

Bonus:  10 points will be given for a developed response.  If others write, respond to them as well.
Due date:  Thursday, October 3rd, 2013.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Homecoming Fun

The start of the school year has been a whirlwind!  Homecoming was the second week.  Although we love watching the games, the dress up days and the floats, by the time it is finished we are all exhausted.  Take a moment to review the week.  Thanks to Yearbook staff member, Brett, for creating this video!

Thanks to the Student Council and to the Class Advisors for making the week the best possible.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Return to School

The first week is now finished.  For some, the time went by extremely quickly.  For others, it stalled with each second.

I wish each of you the best year possible.  Take each day and each challenge as it comes.  When I struggle with things, I remember a favorite quote of mine, "Carpe Diem."  I first heard this quote used in a movie called DEAD POET'S SOCIETY, a fantastic story!  I have since found out that this quote comes from a Latin poet named Horace (65 BC-8 BC).  Over the years, this quote has become commonly translated as "Seize the Day."  That may be difficult to do sometimes, but remember that even when a class is difficult, a schedule is chaotic, or a game is not victorious, lessons can be learned and experience that will make the next issue more successful will be gained.

What is your favorite quote, one you like in good and harder times?  Where from does it come (author, song title/writer...)?

Respond to this blog by Friday, September 13th.  Read others as they are posted.  10 points