Update (5/28): Loop Poetry
Summer by Caitlin
The lockers are cleaned out
Out go the students
Students leave for the summer
Summer to be spent.
Spent sleeping in
In cool houses
Houses filled
Filled with dirty laundry mountains
Mountains in the distance
Distance from home
Home in the open
Open to roam
Roam far
Far away from the city
City to beaches
Beaches so pretty
Pretty tired are all
All ready to see
See the school again
Again students to be
Misleading Eyes by Kiersten
Misleading eyes
Eyes that show things
Things that are not real
Real are the things not seen
Eyes that show sparkles
Sparkles that show happiness
Happiness and no problems
Problems that don’t exist
Eyes that hide problems
Problems that really do exist
Exist to haunt and sadden you
You when no one else is around
No one can see through the sparkles
Sparkles that hide sadness
Sadness that can deeply affect you
You and your misleading eyesSummer
By: McKenzie, Bridget and Carly
Summer is so hot
Hot as the desert
Desert your worries and fears
Fears are no more
More time with friends
Friends are everything
Everything is beautiful
Beautiful as those sunsets
Sunsets are where everything happens
Happens to everyone
Everyone loves summer
Summer loves everyone
Everyone is happy
Happy is the greatest quality
Quality of summer is in your hands
Hands hold the key to happiness
Happiness is summer
ABC Poetry
All beautiful cats dabble elaborately finding games, hopping into jars, knotting loops, meeting new opponents periodically. Quickly rapidly stepping, they unite vigorously when x-aminig your zest!A boy can't defy everything for gravity holds ill-fates. Just keep love more near or pass quietly remembering someone too unforgettable. Vacant winters xceed youthful zeal.
All bitter children distance
Eventually from goals, hoping its
Journey keeps lively moving,
Neglecting one project, quietly
Resisting stress, tolerating
Underclassmen, voraciously
Wandering, x-cepting
Your zap